

The term Social work means a set of programmes with the objectives of helping individuals and groups. The purpose of such help is to assist the beneficiaries to live a humane life with a sense of dignity, necessary comforts and conveniences.

There are many stages of development in social work such as development work, social action, and human rights based action. We have covered the vast areas of the developmental work. We interacted with people through the welfare approach, development and empowerment approach. The group carried out its programme through the local communities and organizations. We also provided school and hostel feedings for poor children, for better health care, safe motherhood programmes etc.

Social service is the main and important area of the activities of the Congregation. Its vision is integrated into the all-round development of the people of the society so that they can live a prosperous life through their active participation in development processes by promoting human values.

We work individually as well as with the collaboration of the Government and other NGOs. We supported the Government work, like total sanitation campaign, road development, to bring the dropouts into the mainstream, skilled training, plantation etc.


GRIHINI: The word “Grihini” means a modified course of domestic science for illiterate girls of marriageable age. The course lasts 10 months and includes reading and writing according to the Ferrier method, Tailoring, cutting, embroidery, woolen craft, Diet and Hygiene, Mother Child care, herbal medicine, food preservation, vegetable and kitchen garden, household things etc.


We have 22 centers for tailoring. In one year, about 450 women complete their tailoring training, and 57% are employed every year. Through this training, the trainees benefit and after completion of the training they earn money and fulfill the basic needs of the family.

In this course the following syllabus are taught:-

+ The trainees are familiar with the every part of the machine (How to handle the machine)
+ Sewing
+ Cutting
+ Different kinds of Dress making
+ File setting (They are making small dress and putting in the file, through this, they know it what kind of the stitching)
+ Knitting
+ Painting art with oil paint in cloths


In Embroidery training, they are making much kind of cloths by using the threads and wool. We are providing the threads for them.

+ Shawl
+ Cardigan
+ Muffler
+ Woolen craft

To improve the income status of the women we started the weaving section. The initial stage for the women is to conduct various training so that they can improve their skills and can make the capital for self-development.

The weaving is a six-month course. There are theories and practical classes for the trainees.

Steps 1- The trainees are familiar with the very part of the handloom machine so that they can work further with efficient manner.

Step 2- Thread and Tani are prepared so that the trainees may learn to make the thread in arranged way.

Step 3- The trainees has to run the weaving machine and handle it very safely.


Through the knitting machine, by using the wool, trainees are trained to make the shawl, muffler etc. The Sister of DSA is looking after the training programme.


Candle making is a very interesting training. We arrange the training for the SHG women.

The impact of the training:- The SHG women of the localities are now preparing candle for the domestic use.

They do not have to buy from the market. The productions are very limited so they do not go for selling. The problem with the candle making is production materials are not available in the village market. The women have to travel long distance to district head quarters to buy the things.

The candle making training is more effective for the women. The output of the training is women have started making candle in the village. The production is basically for the domestic use. Now they are thinking that out of this also one can earn good money. The women would like to do commercial production of the same like linking their products in the local market.


To explore the local resources this training is conducted for the women groups in the villages. The participants are women and girls those who are studying in the school. After the training programme the women and the girls would make the Brooms and soap in large scale and sell the product in the locality.


Food preservation means to utilize the various eatable things. Whatever they have they utilize it. We have 6 Grihini Training centers. Once a year we are arranging the especial training programme on food preservation for women and girls. In this training, the focus is to make them aware for self-employment. We give them knowledge how to over come from the present background. We give food preservation training as theory and practical as well as:-

+ Deal with the house hold things
+ Table manors
+ Behaviors
+ Cooking items
+ Leadership
+ Bakery
+ Varieties of items
+ Pickles
+ Packing for sell


Mushroom cultivation was conducted for the target group. The women are from the Self Help groups of that locality. The group’s members very actively took part in the training programme because for them the mushroom cultivation is new.


The agriculture training is arranged for the women group. The main occupation of this area is farming. Most of the women of this village belong to marginal farmer’s family. They look after their children and somehow try to manage the family with their little income. Apart from this, they help their husbands in their agriculture work. These village women are connected with self-help group. They take interest in agriculture and animal husbandry. They were eager to know more about agriculture and animal husbandry to support their husband and adequate their income from farming.

Therefore, we arranged training programme of agriculture and animal husbandry for the women of this village.

We light up the value and profits of animal wealth their keeping cow shads, animals feeding, their sickness and treatment as well as aspects of income generating source of their livelihood. They have been introduced and encouraged to follow the new methods of agriculture, importance and utility of cultivation, types of food g rains and vegetables, high breed of paddy crops, pulses, oilseeds etc. they have been taught new and advanced methods to cultivate crops and vegetable according the season. They have been told the utility, better livelihood to adequate their income from cultivation.

Also they have been taught and encouraged to prepare types of fertilizer, natural manure, their importance and utilization to increase agricultural produce. They have been told the importance of tree plantation, cutting and budding. Both theory and practical classes are given for the trainees.


This is the one kind of especial type of women groups. Each group has a maximum of 10-20 members. The out come of the SHG training is that women group starts the saving and credit within the group members. During the emergency the members are taking lone from the group, fund and fulfilling their needs.

+ Through the self-help group, they come to know about the government skills and job oriented.
+ Saving the money, Accounting, Recording, Reporting, taking lone from the bank
+ Linkage with bank
+ Cooking
+ Soap making
+ Surf making
+ Finial
+ Candle making
+ Awareness programme about the Job, Leadership, stands for justice
+ To give the awareness programme about human trafficking
+ Awareness programme for women, youth, and children (about the health)
+ Non- formal education
+ Education for the Dropouts
+ Training of gardening for the villagers
+ Plantation
+ Brooms making
+ Marketing


The Gram Sabha training is conducted for the village leaders to empower them in decision-making process for the village development. The training was conducted area wise so that more number of participants can take part and they don’t have to travel long distance. The trainings and seminar are conducted in their locality. Through the Gram Sabha we are giving the awareness programme for the villagers to know their rights.


The capacity building training for the groups both male and female are conducted in The training programme is based on the fundamental rights of the community in the Indian constitution but people are not aware of it and other purposes of training was to strengthen the local traditional system of governance which can foster community to develop together.


We take projects and with the collaboration we work. It is a partnership. In the small scale projects like Forming the self help group, tailoring, stitching, bag making, garland making, candle making, entrepreneurship training etc. we work with the collaboration.


We take the Government project as a mediator, and we help the villagers. We have taken the Government projects like total sanitation, road construction, Education for the dropouts, Self Help Group gradation, loan etc.


Computer- We run the vocational training. In the institution for the hostellers and for the other girls and boys, we arrange the computer training. Computer course goes according to the syllabus. We shall make the syllabus according to the capacity of the trainees. Course will be half-yearly or yearly according to the knowledge of the trainees.

Practical and theory both classes go. According to the number of the student and the number of the computer, it we divide it. Trained and Qualified teacher will teach the students. At the end of the course, this Organization provides the certificate to the students.


For the Typing Course also the Organization gives the same provision. Qualified and trained teachers teach the students. For them also syllabus is given.


Stitching course is also conducted by the Organization. For them also the same provisions are given.


In the world, the unexpected incident takes place. On that particular moment, we are involved in the relief work.


Apart from the skill trainings which were related with the economic and skill up-gradation activities, measures were also taken up to spread right based awareness and response of the villagers in which the women had major role. Celebration of International Women’s Day on 8th March was an occasion where different SHGs took out rally and in the process depicted different issues in the gathering. Literacy drive, health and hygiene, rights of women and the like were taken up by several groups. The rally brought unity among women and showed their strength and solidarity.


We have started the shopping centre, where all the production of the different centres comes here. In the process of production of any materials, many girls are engaged in the work. Some they supply the raw materials, some they prepare the things, some they supply the things in the shop, in this way many are engaged in the work. We are trying to strengthen all these types of centres and trying to strengthen the Self Help Groups.

The women group product the things, in which they were trained. After production, we collect the things; we bring it in one place. Moreover, we sell it in the minimum price. All the benefit goes to them. In this way, we are helping them to grow and earn their livelihood. In elsewhere they do not get the market. However, from here we conduct the customers to buy the things.

Finally, we are succeeded to work. The centre is functioning well at the minimum income.

This is the opportunity to our girls, to employ or self employ those who are trained in our institution and in other institution.

This is the very big support to our girls and women, those who are in the villages. Some they are linked in the work. Slowly the collaboration will increase. The new start is the plus point for the job those who are interested.